
You can integrate social media share function with this component without using sdk.

Available props

Property Description Platform
WhatsappMessage Message to send for WhatsApp Android, IOS
FacebookShareURL URL to send for Facebook. You can combine all facebook properties with this property Android, IOS
FacebookShareMessage Message to send for Facebook. You can combine all facebook properties with this property Android, IOS
TwitterShareURL URL to send for Twitter. You can combine all twitter properties with this property Android, IOS
TwitterShareMessage Message to send for Twitter. You can combine all twitter properties with this property Android, IOS
TwitterViaAccount via @accout on Twitter. You can combine all twitter properties with this property Android, IOS
NativeShareTitle Share title for Native OS Share option Android, IOS
NativeShareMessage Message for Native OS Share option Android, IOS
NativeShareURL Url for Native OS Share option IOS


Boxed Share Style

import BoxedShare from './src/Component/BoxedShare';
  FacebookShareMessage="Hey, I find great react-native component on github" 
  TwitterShareMessage="Hey, I find great react-native component on github" 
  NativeShareTitle="React Native Social Share Buttons" 
  NativeShareMessage="Hey, I find great react-native component on github" 



Working with example

  1. Create new react-native project with react-native init
  2. Copy example/src folder to your project.
  3. Replace App.js with example/App.js
