Legend Motion

Legend Motion is a declarative animations library for React Native, to make it easy to transition between styles without needing to manage animations.

npm install @legendapp/motion or yarn add @legendapp/motion

import { Motion } from "@legendapp/motion"

    initial={{ scale: 0.5 }}
    animate={{ scale: value ? 1 : 0.5 }}


  • ✨ Supports react-native and react-native-web
  • ✨ API similar to Framer Motion for easy mixing of React Native Web with React
  • ✨ Supports animating SVG and linear gradient
  • ✨ Supports transformOrigin
  • ✨ 0 dependencies using the built-in Animated
  • ✨ Built for maximum performance
  • ✨ Strongly typed with TypeScript

? Docs

The full documentation with live examples is on our website.

?‍⚖️ License


with Legend and Bravely.

Legend      Bravely


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