React Native Calendar
A simple React Native Calendar.
Using yarn
Prop | Description | Required? | Default |
onChange |
Callback called when a day is pressed. | yes | |
minDate |
Minimum date that can be selected. | no | null |
maxDate |
Maximum date that can be selected. | no | null |
startDate |
Selected start date | no | null |
endDate |
Selected end date | requires startDate | null |
theme |
Calendar StyleSheet | no | null |
locale |
Calendar language | no | 'en' |
showWeekdays |
Show Week columns | no | true |
showMonthTitle |
Show Month title | no | true |
initialListSize |
FlatList initialNumToRender | no | 2 |
startingMonth |
First month to render | no | current month |
numberOfMonths |
Number of months to render | no | 12 |
disableRange |
Turn off range date selection | no | false |
monthHeight |
Change Month row height | no | 370 |
To run the example project change package.json main path to like this