
A simple react native starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application.

What’s inside

  • React native 0.63 template project
  • Modular and well-documented structure for application code
  • Redux for state management
  • React Navigation for simple switch navigation
  • Custom components(Buttons and loading overlay)

Folder structure

This template follows a very simple project structure:

  • src: This folder is the main container of all the code inside your application.
    • assets: Asset folder to store all images, vectors, etc.
    • components: Folder to store any common component that you use through your app (such as a generic button)
    • constants: Folder to store any kind of constant that you have.
    • translations: Folder to store the languages files.
    • navigation: Folder to store the navigators.
    • screens: Folder that contains all your application screens/features.
    • store: Folder to put all redux middlewares and the store.
      • reducers: This folder should have all your reducers, and expose the combined result.
      • selectors: Folder to store your selectors for each reducer.
    • AppStyles.js: Folder to store all the styling concerns related to the application theme.
    • App.js: Main component that starts your whole app.
  • index.js: Entry point of your application as per React-Native standards.

Getting Started

Clone and Install

# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ybardouski/rn-start-template.git

# Navigate to clonned folder and Install dependencies
cd rn_app_starter && yarn install

# Install Pods
cd ios && pod install


Run this command to start the development server and to start your app on iOS simulator:

yarn run:ios

Or, if you prefer Android:

yarn run:android


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