
React Native Super Alert is a component where you can use various types of alerts and notifications without having to import the library on all screens..


npm i react-native-super-alert --save
yarn add react-native-super-alert
Load the library in Root file of your application (e.g. app.js)
import SuperAlert from "react-native-super-alert";

export default function App() {
    return (
                <AppContainer /> 
                <SuperAlert /> {/* <--- Load Super Alert here */}

NOTE: This component will replace the default (alert) action from React Native


Default alert

After import Super alert in Root of application, you can call the component using the code bellow


   // alert('Title of alert', 'Message of alert', { Object props })

Example for default alert without confirm

        'Hello!!', // This is a title
        "This is a Super Alert" // This is a alert message

Loading alert from the corners of screen

        'Hello!!', // This is a title
        "This is a Super Alert", // This is a alert message
            position: 'top' // top, bottom, left or right,
Prop Type Description Default
position (Optional) string Using alert in corners (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) ''

Using confirm and cancel action



        'Hello!!', // This is a title
        "This is a Super Alert", // This is a alert message
            textConfirm: 'Confirm', // Label of button confirm
            textCancel: 'Cancel', // Label of button cancel
            onConfirm: () => confirmClick(), // Call your confirm function 
            onCancel: () => cancelClick() // Call your cancel function 

Then create the functions to confirm and cancel action

  confirmClick = () => {
    console.log('Confirm Action')

  cancelClick = () => {
    console.log('Cancel Action')

Note: You can use the confirm params in all alert types

Other types



        'Hello!!', // This is a title
        "This is a Super Alert", // This is a alert message
            type: 'bottomsheet'

Props of BottomSheet

Prop Type Description Default
bottomSheetHeight (Optional) number Alert BottomSheet height 180

Flash Message

Alt Text

        'This is model of default alert, thanks for use the component',
            type: 'flashmessage',
            option: 'danger', // danger | warning | info | success
            timeout: 3

Props of Flash Message

Prop Type Description Default
flashMessageHeight (Optional) number Flash Message height 110
option (Optional) string Select the Color Scheme (danger,warning,info or success) ''
timeout (Optional) number Total of seconds to close the alert 5

Example with React Navigation Component

Alt Text

Global Props

Prop Type Description Default
Type (Optional) string Select the type of alert (alert,bottomsheet,flashmessage) 'alert'
useNativeDriver (Optional) boolean Use native driver false
textConfirm (Optional) string Button confirm label 'OK'
textCancel (Optional) string Button cancel label ''

Customize Alerts

You can customize the alert according to your theme

Place your style object in the customStyle props

<SuperAlert customStyle={customStyle} />

Classes of customization

Prop Description
container Customize the container style
buttonCancel Customize the button cancel style
buttonConfirm Customize the button confirm style
textButtonCancel Customize the button cancel label style
textButtonConfirm Customize the button confirm label style
title Customize the title text style
message Customize the message text style

Example of custom style object

  const customStyle = {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: '#e8e8e8',
      borderRadius: 0,
    buttonCancel: {
      backgroundColor: '#b51919',
      borderRadius: 0,
    buttonConfirm: {
      backgroundColor: '#4490c7',
      borderRadius: 0,
    textButtonCancel: {
        color: '#fff',
        fontWeight: 'bold'
    textButtonConfirm: {
        color: '#fff',
        fontWeight: 'bold'
    title: {
      color: '#003d69',
      fontSize: 15
    message: {
      color: '#4f4f4f',
      fontSize: 12

Example App

You can download example app from Example App this link


By Alan Ribeiro
