Material Chip View

Material Chips represent complex entities in small blocks, such as a contact. A chip may contain entities such as a photo, text, rules, an icon, or a contact.

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-chip-view --save

Types of Chips

Chips can be used for various types of entities, including free form text, predefined text, rules, or contacts. Chips may also contain icons.



import { RNChipView } from 'react-native-chip-view'



Prop Type Default Note
title string Specify label wants to show. Required
titleStyle object Specify style wants to apply on title
onPress func Specify event handler for on press
avatar bool, number, component - Specify true in case you need avatar. - Specify avatar in case you want custom avatar
avatarStyle object Specify custom avatar style
selectable bool, number, component - Specify true in case you need chip as selection. - Specify selection icon in case you want to pass your own icon
selectableStyle string Specify custom selectable style
cancelable bool, number, component - Specify true in case you need chip as cancelable. - Specify cancelable icon in case you want to pass your own icon
cancelableStyle string Specify custom cancelable style
backgroundColor string #dedede Specify chip background color
maxWidth string 300 Specify chip max width
height string 40 Specify chip height
borderRadius string 40 Specify container border radius
ellipsizeMode string middle Specify text ellipsize mode
