
React Native module to retrieve safe area insets for iOS 11 or later.


1. Install library from npm

npm install --save react-native-safe-area

2. Link native code

You can link native code in the way you prefer:


Add line to your project target section in your Podfile:

+ pod 'react-native-safe-area', path: '../node_modules/react-native-safe-area'

Run command below:

react-native link react-native-safe-area


Work with views

Use withSafeArea to apply safe area insets to views automatically.

import { withSafeArea } from 'react-native-safe-area'

withSafeArea(component[, applyTo][, direction])

A higher-order component which applies safe area insets automatically to the wrapped component.

  • component : Component - Wrapped component.
  • applyTo : string - (Optional) Specify property to apply safe area insets.
    • margin - style.margin. (Default)
    • padding - style.padding.
    • absolutePosition -, style.bottom, style.left and style.right.
    • contentInset - contentInset and contentOffset for scroll views.
  • direction : string - (Optional) Specify direction to apply safe area insets.
    • top - Apply to top.
    • bottom - Apply to bottom.
    • left - Apply to left.
    • right - Apply to right.
    • horizontal - left + right.
    • vertical - top + bottom.
    • all - horizontal + vertical. (Default)
Simple view example
const SafeAreaView = withSafeArea(View, 'margin', 'both')

class App extends Component<{}> {
  render() {
    return (
        <View />
ScrollView example
const SafeAreaScrollView = withSafeArea(ScrollView, 'contentInset', 'vertical')

class App extends Component<{}> {
  render() {
    return (
        <View />

You can also apply safe area insets to FlatList and SectionList.

Enhanced component's APIs

get wrappedRef : ref

Returns wrapped component's ref.

get currentSafeAreaInsets : SafeAreaInsets

Returns current safe area insets.

Handle safe area manually

import SafeArea from 'react-native-safe-area'

If you want to use SafeAreaInsets type, you can import it like below:

import SafeArea, { type SafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area'

Retrieve safe area insets for root view

  .then((result) => {
    // { safeAreaInsets: { top: 44, left: 0, bottom: 34, right: 0 } }

Handle safe area insets changed event

class App extends Component<{}> {
  // To keep the context of 'this'
  onSafeAreaInsetsForRootViewChange = this.onSafeAreaInsetsForRootViewChange.bind(this)

  componentDidMount() {
    // Add event listener
    SafeArea.addEventListener('safeAreaInsetsForRootViewDidChange', this.onSafeAreaInsetsForRootViewChange)

  componentWillUnmount() {
    // Remove event listener
    SafeArea.removeEventListener('safeAreaInsetsForRootViewDidChange', this.onSafeAreaInsetsForRootViewChange)

  onSafeAreaInsetsForRootViewChange(result) {
    // Called every time that safe area insets changed
    // { safeAreaInsets: { top: 0, left: 44, bottom: 21, right: 44 } }
