Apps IAmHere - An application that aims to manage the participants of an event IAmHere - An application that aims to manage the participants of an event 07 November 2022
NFC NFC based attendance recording app for offline events NFC based attendance recording app for offline events 22 May 2022
Event TouchBolocker - React Native component that helps blocking the user from interacting with children components React Native component that helps blocking the user from interacting with children components 14 April 2022
Database A React Native datatable component module for dynamically perform actions like display, sorting, select, custom design, delete & touch events A React Native datatable component module for dynamically perform actions like display, sorting, select, custom design, delete & touch events 07 April 2022
Event Trilha Impulse-React Native do evento Next Level Week 7 Trilha Impulse-React Native do evento Next Level Week 7 09 January 2022
Event Simple mobile app to track who has paid for an event Simple mobile app to track who has paid for an event 06 December 2021