PinView iOS Lock Screen style pincode input with react naitve React Native Pincode Input is iOS Lock Screen style pincode input. 05 December 2019
PinView A highly interactive and customisable PIN code screen for React Native This repository is no longer actively maintained. It has been extracted into two other packages to be more reusable: react-native-pins and react-native-screen-keyboard. 02 May 2019
Password A tiny JS library which provides an elegant UI for user to input one time passcode react-native-otp-input is a tiny JS library which provides an elegant UI for user to input one time passcode (OTP). 27 April 2019
Password Convenient and quick-forming PinView component for React Native Easy, convenient, quick-forming PinView component. It runs smoothly for both IOS and Android, and has only keyboard and input. 23 October 2018
Password A PIN code component for react native A customizable PIN Code component for react native. 21 September 2018