
Steps to Run & Build:

  • Install dependencies yarn
  • Build yarn build
  • Install dependencies in example app cd example && yarn && cd ios/ && pod install && cd ..
  • Run example app yarn ios



    npm install rn-custom-style-sheet react-native-mmkv


    yarn add install rn-custom-style-sheet react-native-mmkv


    Define styles using CustomStyleSheet.create<Theme|Scaled|ScaledTheme>() instead of StyleSheet.create()

    import React from 'react';
    import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
    import { CustomStyleSheet } from 'rn-custom-style-sheet';
    const Example = () => {
      return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>Example</Text>
    const styles = CustomStyleSheet.createScaled({
      text: {
        fontSize: '2@ms',
        marginVertical: '20@s'
      container: {
        alignItems: 'center',
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'center'

    Styling Options

    Size with custom units

    Unit Description Example
    <size>@s<sar><r> scales size in a linear manner relative to screen width 5.5@s
    <size>@vs<sar><r> scales size in a linear manner relative to screen height 7@vs
    <size>@ms<factor><sar><r> scales size in a linear manner relative to screen width. factor is resize factor. Default is 0.5 5@ms or [email protected]
    <size>@mvs<factor><sar><r> scales size in a linear manner relative to screen height. factor is resize factor. Default is 0.5 5@mvs or [email protected]
    <size>@hp<sar><r> size percentage relative to the window height 1@hp
    <size>@wp<sar><r> size percentage to the window width 1@wp
    <size>@vw<sar><r> size relative to the window width 1.02@vw
    <size>@vh<sar><r> size relative to the window height 10@vh
    <size>@vmin<sar><r> size relative to the shortest dimension compared between window width and height 10@vmin
    <size>@vmax<sar><r> size relative to the largest dimension compared between window width and height 10@vmax
    <size>@sdp<sar><r> size relative to the window width, More detail of sdp 10@sdp
    <size>@ssp<sar><r> size relative to the window width and device font size , More detail of ssp 10@ssp


    1. size can be any positive number (including decimal) for s, vs, ms, mvs, sdp and ssp
    2. size can be any positive percentage (including decimal) for hp, and wp
    3. size can be any positive number ranging from 0 to 100 (including decimal) for vw, vh, vmin, and vmax
    4. factor can be any positive number ranging from 0 and 1 (including decimal)
    5. sar can be skip aspect ratio apply to given size
    6. r can be rounding the result



    A function which apply custom styles config.

    1. guideLineBase can be Default guideline sizes(width|height) are based on standard ~5″ screen mobile device or design guideline.
    2. aspectRatioFn can be function which calculates new size based on aspect ratio condition.

        width: 375,
        height: 812
      (size: number) => {
        const aspectRatio = screenHeight / screenWidth;
        let newSize = 0;
        if (aspectRatio > 1.77) {
          newSize = size;
        } else if (aspectRatio > 1.6) {
          newSize = size * 0.97;
        } else if (aspectRatio > 1.4) {
          newSize = size * 0.89;
        } else if (aspectRatio > 1.35) {
          newSize = size * 0.87;
        } else {
          newSize = size * 0.6;
        return newSize;

    create (styles)

    A function which returns computed styles on the basis of media queries specified or theming.

    1. createTheme (styles) only accepts dark/light mode theming
    2. createScaled (styles) only accepts media queries specified
    3. createScaledTheme (styles) accepts both dark/light mode theming and media queries specified


    1. styles (object) : A style object either the normal or with custom properties and queries.
    2. styles (object,themeType) : A style object either the normal or with custom properties, queries and theme properties.


    • customStyleSheet (object,themeType)

      • styles (object,themeType): A style object which is generated during application start. See basic example above.


    • This is a theme provider and applies to the app level js/ts.
    • isSupportLandscape props will be support device landscape mode from scaling because when device orientation change then change height and width(Default false).


    • Custom hook for applying the current theme in our style object.


    • Custom hook for update the current app theme in our application(used for setting preference or other you have specify option in our application).

    const handleAppTheme = useUpdateMyTheme();
    <Button onPress={() => handleAppTheme('dark')}>
    	Dark Theme
    <Button onPress={() => handleAppTheme('light')}>
    	Light Theme


    • This is the type of theme and value is dark or light


    import React from 'react';
    import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
    import { ThemeProvider, CustomStyleSheet, ThemeType, useMyTheme } from 'rn-custom-style-sheet';
    const App = () => {
      return (
        <ThemeProvider isSupportLandscape={true}>
          <Example />
    const Example = () => {
      const styles = useMyTheme(styleSheet);
      return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>Example</Text>
    const styleSheet = (themeType: ThemeType) =>
          text: {
            fontSize: '2@ms',
            marginVertical: '20@s',
            color: 'red',
            colorDark: 'green'
          container: {
            alignItems: 'center',
            flex: 1,
            justifyContent: 'center'




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