React Quick Style Components

Quickly style for react-native/reactjs components via props.

  • Quickly style react-native (and reactjs) components via props.
  • Support hover and responsive style for web and different screen sizes.
  • Responsive layout handling made easy.




React Native

yarn add react-quick-style-components

No linking required

React JS

Assuming you use create-react-app or expo web:

yarn add react-native-web react-quick-style-components

Main Idea

We usually style our component like this (inline or StyleSheet)

  width: 50,
  height: 50,
  margin: 10,
  backgroundColor: 'green',
  justifyContent: 'center',
  alignItems: 'center',

What if we can have a really quick way of styling by using prop. Like:


And with the advantage of boolean prop, we could get it even quicker (in terms of Coding convenience), like:

  middle // common global styleset, equal { justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'  }

Performance Concern

  • In the speed test, we compared it with normal View component, and styled-components. The test code is really simple, PR is welcome.


Best Practice

  1. If you have more than 3 styled props, put it in StyleSheet. Too many styled props will not be convenient anymore.
  2. Create your own common style objects to avoid repeating your self
  3. Organize the components and keep them small and simple


Initial setup

import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { initQuickStyle, Text } from 'react-quick-style-components';
import { FONT, COLOR } from './some-where/in/your/project'

// Use for quick prop like: colorMain, bgMain.


// Use for default text style

  fontFamily: 'NunitoSans_400Regular',
  color: '#CCCCCC',

// Use for quick style, e.g: if you pass Style.create({ white: { color: 'white' } }). You will be able to use <Text white>Hello World!</Text>

const additionStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  shadow: {
    shadowColor: "#000",
    shadowOffset: {
      width: 0,
      height: 1,
    shadowOpacity: 0.20,
    shadowRadius: 1.41,
    elevation: 2,




  import { Text } from 'react-quick-style-components';

  const App = () => (
    <Text colorMain bold fontsize20>Hello World!</Text>


  import { Col } from 'react-quick-style-components';

  const handlePress = () => alert('Hello World!');

  const App = () => (
    <Col flex1 bgMain onPress={handlePress}></Col>


  import { Col } from 'react-quick-style-components';

  const handlePress = () => alert('Hello World!');

  const App = () => (
    <Row flex1 bgMain onPress={handlePress}></Row>

Styled Props

  • Pretty much all the styled properties (take a look at ./utils/globalProps.ts line 22)
  • Auto split number value from Boolean props

Equal to

  • Common style sets (take a look at ./utils/commonStyle.ts)
Prop Description
middle Align items center (vertically and horizontally)
flex1 Flex 1
absolute Position absolute
absoluteFill Position absolute and full parent width, height
bgWhite White background
colorWhite White color text
colorMain Main color text, (after run initQuickStyle.setMainColor)
bgMain Main background color, (after run initQuickStyle.setMainColor)
bold bold fontweight text
width100p width 100%
height100p height 100%
overflowH overflow hidden

Style Hooks

Style Hooks is in easy way to transform value of styled props. For example when you want to normalize your font size

  fontSize: (value) => {
    return normalize(value)

After that, all of your <Text fontSize={xyz} /> will go thourgh that function and converted to a new value.

Responsive Styled Props

Components Col, Row, Text, Img, Scroll, Input all come with responsive style support via prop onResponsiveStyle.

    md: {
      width: 200,
      height: 200,
    lg: {
      backgroundColor: 'pink',


Col Component

  • Flex direction column
  • If onPress prop is given, it will operate like a TouchableOpacity (activeOpacity 0.9)
  • onHoverStyle: it's a web prop: Pass a object style here and it will apply when user hover over the component.
  • useHoverNativeProps: apply the hover style without rerendering the component. credit to the guys here , let me know if you have trouble using this prop


  onHoverStyle={{ borderColor: COLOR.MAIN, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 4 }}

Row Component

  • onPress work exactly like Col, infact it's Col under the hood, so every props of Col can be used here.
  • Flex direction row
  • Align items center by default. If stretch props is specific (true), the children will have 100% height
  • This component has responsive settings.
export interface Props {
  onRef?(): void,
  stretch?: boolean,
  responsive?: {
    sm?: string,
    md?: string,
    lg?: string,
    xl?: string,
    [breakpoint: string]: string,
  [key: string]: any,

For example

<Row responsive={{ xs: '100%', sm: '1:1:2', md: '1:2:1' }}>
  <Col width100p height100>
    <Col margin10 flex1 backgroundColor="black" />
  <Col width100p height100>
    <Col margin10 flex1 backgroundColor="red" />
  <Col width100p height100>
    <Col margin10 flex1 backgroundColor="pink" />
  • width breakpoints follow Bootstrap CSS Web framework xs, sm, md, lg and xl

  • <Row responsive={{ md: '1:.' }} />

    • every child will have flex 1 in md breakpoint
  • <Row responsive={{ md: '1:2' }} />

    • only render two first child, with flex 1 and flex 2 in md breakpoint
  • <Row responsive={{ md: '1:2', sm: '100%' }} />

    • same with the above, and in sm breakpoint all will have 100% width, and flex wrap style

Text Component

  • define default font family and color with Text.setFontStyle
import { Text, Col } from 'react-quick-style-components';

  fontFamily: 'NunitoSans_400Regular',
  color: '#CCCCCC',

If you use @expo-google-fonts, there will be a lot of font weights as seperate fonts. We can use setAdditionStyles to quickly assign font:

  light: {
    fontFamily: 'NunitoSans_300Light'
  semiBold: {
    fontFamily: 'NunitoSans_600SemiBold'
  bold: {
    fontFamily: 'NunitoSans_700Bold'

Example <Text light />

Advanced Usage

With the help of react-native-web, we can use this library on both web and mobile app. Soon we will want to write once, run anywhere. But truly cross-platform is hard to achieve. While some UIs can look the same, some layouts can be responsive, there are still many things to cover like navigation, flow, user behaviour. If you use too many ifs for platform check, and the structrure of web and mobile app are different, then it's not write once anymore. It's just write in the same place

In attempt to make cross-platform coding more convenient, this library introduce some concept like Banks - Allocation pattern, Header Navigation. Read more about it here.

UI Builder Support

For now it supports render UI from json. The roadmap for this part is to build a UI Builder to around that json parser. Check example in the link at the begining of this readme.

import { Parser } from 'react-quick-style-components';

    id: 'Heading',
    from: 'Text',
    style: {
      fontSize: 25,
    props: {
      text: 'Render react component from JSON'
